
Kevin Neoh, CFP, RFP, MBA

I am a biochemist who never been a Biochemist but been a Financial Planner since graduating with a Biochemistry degree in 2008.

I want to know that my work matters, and has an impact on people lives. That is why I decided to spent the rest of my active working time doing something meaningful, and can give immense fulfillment, and satisfaction to me.

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Most people are spending their time chasing for more money so that they could live the life and do what they want to do later in their life. But the truth to the matter is that none of us know if we have “later” in our life.

As a Financial Planner who embrace life-centered financial planning, I work with client to find out how much they need to have enough money to live the life they want, while working with them to build their dream through sound decision making.

I have had extensive experience helping people to deal with their financial stress too. My work helped my clients to overcome issues such as unable to save money, pressured by the debt and help them to take control of their cash-flow situation, and build their dream from the base while dealing with cashflow challenge.


Not only my works are recognized by clients, but it also received recognition from experienced panel of judges from different country for Malaysian Financial Planner of The Year Award (MFPYA). Since the inception of this award, I remain the only and first Financial Planner to have been awarded this recognition 2 years in a row.

Malaysian Financial Planner of The Year Award (MFPYA) 2016
Malaysian Financial Planner of The Year Award (MFPYA) 2017

Currently, I am one of the judge panel for the same award, helping to provide my perspective and feedback to Financial Planners who were shortlisted for this award.


When I am not meeting client, I will be writing article and producing content that aims to empower consumer on proper financial planning, sharing with them financial education. When writers and reporters need to sough professional opinion on the subject-matter of personal finance, I would work with them to offer my input and opinion. My articles, interviews are published in local media and newspaper, including digital media.

My belief in financial education as a mean to raise financial literacy level also saw me conducting financial wellness workshop and talks, as well as webinars.

In summary, being a Financial Planner means everything to me, and is the only thing I know to do.